Frequently Asked Questions

We can deliver to your port directly or we can also deliver to your warehouse or agent in China.

We can both wholesale in containers (40HQ, 20GP)

and LCL shipment (less than one container loading)

the best support will be offered in quantities.

Yes both by container or LCL shipment

you can choose and mix different designs.

For most items, we have stock goods available,

no need to wait for production, and delivery is fast.

We can deliver a sample to you by FedEx Express.

about 8-10 days can arrive.

We will send you tracking number of the container or the cartons of goods. 

There will be logistic website for customer to track. 

Any questions about shipment updates can be solved timely by contacting us. 

Our goal is to ensure customer receive products with reliable quality and service.

For the stock goods we can start delivery within 3-5 days after payment arrives. 

Usually it takes about 1 month by sea shipment to arrive customer address or port.

Considering different countries and locations, this time will be from 30 days to 45 days. 

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